Biodiversity and Reclamation
Lithium Americas is committed to reducing our biodiversity impacts, to protecting
local species, cultures and natural ecosystems and to integrating conservation into the design and life cycles
of our projects and operating activities. We are actively involved in managing, protecting and mitigating
habitats and ecosystems in our project areas.
Over the past 12 years, we have carefully studied the ecosystem that surrounds Thacker Pass, and have made
several key design decisions based on biodiversity considerations including:
- Moving the location to the south and away from the Montana Mountains, avoiding potential impacts to
sensitive species and their habitat. The Montana Mountains provide a unique biodiverse habitat for sensitive
aquatic species, game birds (sage grouse) and other wildlife, while the habitat at Thacker Pass is dry, of
lower quality due to past wildland fires and dominated by invasive weeds; and
- Building environmental protection measures into the design from an early development stage,
including water recycling, on-site energy generation and implementing a reduced footprint.
We are committed to active reclamation throughout the mine life, as well as at the end of mine life, with plans
in place to initiate reclamation at the earliest economically and technically feasible date on portions of
disturbed areas that are no longer required for operations.
our blog post to learn more.
Download our Biodiversity Fact Sheet.